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The art of the repeat visit

Have you ever heard somebody saying that life is too short to visit the same places? Afterall, the world is so huge and beautiful, so you need to explore it much more. But think about it: when people are hurrying every day in their job, do they hurry in their travels too? When will they feel the moment when they are always in a rush?

The British could learn from the Scandinavian. They have a wonderful lifestyle attitude called “hygge”. There it is very important to celebrate every day of your life without a special reason. They like to escape from the town to their favorite park, or visit entertaining attractions, or light candles in a restaurant in the countryside where they enjoy a charming traditional Sunday lunch. Put simply, they take the time to enjoy the moment.

Tourism can be local too. So let’s check ask why tourists choose the same places to visit.

Great Associations

What places do you remember the best? Those which leave fond memories in our minds. A view. A smell. A taste. Or even a touch creates associations. That’s why companies must know their visitors very well – to take feedback about their habits for leisure and their most favorite things; and then apply this information to their business.

Surroundings are influential. If a visitor feels cozy and gets good memorable associations from his past – he will absolutely come back. It can be cozy armchairs near a fireplace and the smell of pines around which remind him of happy Christmases or holidays in a village. Or maybe interesting interactions with animals at an adventure park make children want to come back when they see images of that animal elsewhere. Because they had fun with you, have created an emotional connection, holding dear great memories and associations.

Discounts for Loyalty

Memberships and special discounts for groups will strengthen a decision to choose the same place. That’s why there are ‘Friends of’ or ‘Family days’ in many attractions and restaurants. First of all, a client feels special because he or she is a member of a community. It motivates him to retrace created traditions and spend much more time in the place where he feels comfortable. Everything is known to him meaning he can relax and enjoy the moment. Besides, when he gets a loyalty discount, he saves his money. Companies are further advantaged because loyal customers will want to share their experience with new people who become new clients too. Everybody wins.

Hospitable staff and service

A service can be one of the main reasons to come back to the same place or contrary – never return. Employees are the face of every company, so they must be proud of their job. If they have good working conditions – clients will see this in their service.

Communication with clients is the most powerful tool in every sector, and especially in tourism – where the first impression is very important. If visitors feel welcomed and encounter great hospitality – they remember it later, come back and recommend your attraction or destination to others. So first of all, leaders of companies should take care of their employees and then employees will take care of the customers
